Tuesday, April 14, 2009

dreary eyes.

waste your time with me,
come down, down to the sea
i can wait with my hands at my sides
down deep into the sand and dirt
my fingers become extensions of my mortality
and seep into and out of the earthen glove,
they are roots, roots beneath ideals.

if you looked upon me now, there's nothing at all-
a face with blurred features
and cracked lips that serve as indentured servants do.
time has placed a price tag on me and
sold me to reckless abandonment.

come down, down to the sea
i can wait with my body curled up tight
frozen and eclipsed by time
thoughts cannot shift from synapse to synapse
without brushing a transgression.
my roots run deep.



Dreary Eyes

Come down, down to the sea.
i can wait with my body

curled up tight, eclipsed
by time. Down deep in sand and dirt. Thoughts cannot shift from synapse to synapse without brushing

a transgression. If you looked

upon me now, my fingers

would run out of their earthen glove.


edited and reworked by vince bauters.


just a new piece before bed.
hopefully it is enjoyable.
also... feel free to post comments
whoever takes time to read this.

1 comment:

  1. Some great lines tucked inside of here. I feel like there is a lot of action going on, but its muted by some clunky parts. Your words inspired me, and I kind of reworked it. Not saying this is better, just a different way of saying the same thing:

    Dreary Eyes

    Come down, down to the sea.
    i can wait with my body

    curled up tight, eclipsed
    by time. Down deep in sand and dirt. Thoughts cannot shift from synapse to synapse without brushing

    a transgression. If you looked

    upon me now, my fingers

    would run out of their earthen glove.
