Wednesday, January 11, 2012

we have the truest believers

"we have the truest believers"

in a hushed voice she whispers,
"this is not our America. this was
built by James Dean & Liz Taylor."

in spite of the sun hanging over my
head i am cold, i am frozen, i am
weeping. if i drive down the highway
will i reach my destination or
burn up into dust? fated to become the
Saint of Our American Dream
or "something as equally

in this America,
our hearts abbreviate our emotions.
workers' hands carry short stories;
they are the voice used to capture
the essence of common life. all cuts
& bruises on our bodies are footnotes
in the story of our American lives.

in this America,
we are allowed to burn effigies and
deface our progenitors as a means
to speak, even though all we've said are
arrangements of words pertinent to
ourselves & only ourselves. we are
social thieves, cashing in on the backs
of the cast-offs.

in this America,
our sexualities are hard to judge. we
take lovers the way a candle takes a
flame. men & women stare intently into
the eyes of love & fate & fear. they subtract
rationale in lieu of stuttered, cinematic romances.
those we take lovers are just hardened silhouettes
veiled by apartment windows and fists
thumping on walls in ecstasy or in anger.

then i remembered the truth of it all:
we bleed black blood, but not until after we
sit on a park bench near a river &
breathe in the cool domestic air saying over
& over as the pigeons crowd our legs:

"this is home, this is home".
an unannounced companion piece to Vince Bauter's "Graffiti Westerns."

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